Overall coal stock touches 110.58 MT, registers 44% growth

Coal dispatch to power sector till June 13 stood at 164.84 MT, registering a notable growth rate of 5.11% compared to the same period last year, which was 156.83 MT

Coal stock
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New Delhi: In line with the vision of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’, the ministry of coal is focused on ensuring the energy security of the nation. Accordingly, the ministry is actively working towards enhancing coal production, stock and supply efficient transportation of coal to all the stakeholders.

The overall coal stock position, which include at mines, thermal power plants (TPPs) and in transit, as on 13th June.2023, reached 110.58 million tonne (MT), indicating a substantial increase of 44.22% as compared to the stock of 76.67 MT last year. This higher coal stock position indicates commitment of maintaining an ample supply of coal by the coal ministry.

Also Read: MoC draws action plan for 2023-24, targets 1012 MT coal production

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Additionally, the Pithead coal stock at Coal India Limited (CIL) as on 13th of this month stands at 59.73 MT, indicating a growth rate of 25.77% as compared to the stock of 47.49 MT as on the same corresponding date last year. This upward trend highlights effective stock management strategies and operational efficiency.

At the same time, in terms of coal dispatch to the power sector, the cumulative achievement for the FY 2023-24 as on June 13 amounts to 164.84 MT, registering a notable growth rate of 5.11% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, which stood at 156.83 MT on June 13 last year, ensuring a steady supply of coal to meet the energy requirements of the power sector.

Also Read: India’s coal production goes up to 107.84MT in March

The coal stock at TPPs (DCB) on April 1, 2022 was 24.04 MT and 22.57 MT as on June 13, 2022, resulting in 6.1% dip. However, the coal stock at TPPs (DCB) on 1st April, 2023 was 34.5 MT and 34.5 MT on June 13, 2023, meaning no depletion of coal stocks in last two and half months of summer season.

Officials of the coal ministry said that the feat could be possible by ensuring high growth rate of coal production and dispatch during this period. The coal stock at TPPs (DCB) as on June 13, 2023 is 34.55 MT as compared to last year to date which was 22.57 MT, indicating a significant growth of about 53.1%.

Also Read: Imported coal-fired power plants told to max output, meet demands

Overall, cumulative coal production for FY 2023-24 has witnessed remarkable growth, with a production of 182.06 MT as on13.06.2023, representing an impressive growth rate of 8.26% compared to the previous year’s production of 168.17 MT for the same period. Furthermore, the overall coal dispatch has seen a substantial increase, reaching 196.87 MT on June 13, 2023 for FY 2023-24.

This represents a commendable growth rate of 7.71% compared to the previous year’s dispatch of 182.78 MT. A senior officer of the ministry said that they were totally committed to driving sustainable growth in the coal sector through strategic planning and effective implementation and to enhancing domestic coal production capabilities supporting the power sectors in meeting the rising energy demands.

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