Differentiate between common cold & Covid before treatment

Covid Update India
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New Delhi: Amid the rising cases of Covid and the onset of monsoon season, many people are suffering with symptoms that look similar. The fear for Covid among the people is so high after the pandemic that they start taking harsher medicines for normal cold without consulting the doctors.

The UK ZOE Covid Symptom study app shows how to spot the difference between Covid and common cold. According to Tim Spector, epidemiologist at King’s College London and leader of the study app, fatigue and sore throat are common with both diseases.

However, people down with Covid are likely to witness severe fatigue and bad throat, more so in the early hours of the day. “Symptoms much the same except generally more fatigue and sore throat,” Spector wrote on Twitter.

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“So best to assume it’s Covid!” he said adding “hopefully this wave will be over soon”.

The current global wave of Covid infections are majorly driven by Omicron sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5. These are known to evade both immunity induced from vaccines as well as from prior Covid infection.

Spector also noted that there are “twice as many Covid cases as common colds currently”.

“The ratio has never been so high”.

In his latest YouTube video, he advised people to get tested if you spot cold-like symptoms, Express.co.uk reported. “Try and get tested if you can. If you can’t get tested, assume you’ve got a cold and stay away from other people until you feel better.”

The most common cold-like symptoms currently reported are: runny nose, sore throat, headache, persistent cough, and mild and severe fatigue, the report said.

Doctors at Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) and Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), however, suggest that people must observe the situation and consult the doctors for proper diagnosis instead of reaching to self-assumed conclusion. “It is also not good to put unnecessary load on health infrastructure meant for critical patients of Covid due to normal flu or common cold,” said Dr Ashok Kumar of RIMS.

(With arrangement from Insightonlinenews)

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