BPSC to appoint 1.20 lakh teacher in fresh recruitment drive

Question papers to be easy for aspirants participating in the 2nd round of recruitment drive, the online applications for which will be out for filling up from November 3

BPSC aspirants
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Patna: After completing the formalities for recruitment of around 1.70 lakh teachers, the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has advertised vacancy for 1.20 lakh more teachers in the second phase. The aspirants have been asked to fill up applications online to appear in the examination. The window on the BPSC website will be open to accept the online applications from November 3 to 14 and the examination will be held from December 7th to 10th.

Around 1.20 candidates, out of the 8.10 lakh applicants, were finally selected during the first phase of the recruitment drive, conducted by the BPSC. Chief minister Nitish Kumar will distribute appointment letters to around 25,000 candidates of the total candidates declared selected at a function to be held at Gandhi Maidan on November 2. Rest of the qualified teachers would be handed over appointment letters by the concerned district magistrates the same day.

Also Read: BPSC releases syllabus for recruitment test for 1.78 lakh teachers

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Karpoori Thakur had given appointment letters to 6000 engineers in 1978

The chief minister’s decision to hand over appointment letters to the teachers reminds people of the same type of act by then CM Karpoori Thakur, who had in 1978 had given appointment letters to about 6000 engineers at the same venue.

Questions for 2nd phase teacher’s exam to be easy

Distressed by the complaints of tough questions during the first phase of exams, the education department held a meeting with the BPSC officials and asked them to ask bit easier questions so more qualified students could be selected as teachers. The aspirants had alleged that the questions were set for the gazetted level officers’ examinations.

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A senior officer of the BPSC said that the recruiting body had to lower the cut off marks to 39 even for the unreserved category aspirants had to lower down the cut-off, as they did not fare well in the exams owing to tough papers. The BPSC had earlier fixed 48 marks (equal to 40% of the total marks), which had to be brought further down.

32,000 teachers for class VI-IIIX to be recruited in 2nd phase

The BPSC has proposed to select as many as 31,982 teachers to be engaged for teaching in classes six to eight. Those having qualified degree of graduation and B Ed are eligible to take part in the examination for class six to eight teachers. No vacancy of teachers for class 6-8 were notified during the first phase of teachers’ recruitment drive.

12% aspirants belonging to other states selected at teachers

About 12% aspirants of the total 1.20 lakh qualified teachers hail from other states after the state government withdrew the domicile policy in teachers’ appointment. The domicile clause had to be take back as it did not fit in to the provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution, which stipulates that no one can be deprived of a job on the basis of place of birth, gender, caste or religion. All of outsiders have been selected in the unreserved category. The benefit of 50% reservation is available only to the people of Bihar.

Teacher-student ratio in schools to come down

The state government hopes to bring down the teacher-student ratio to 38 in primary sections and 50 in the secondary schools after the appointment of teachers in the first round. Currently, teacher student ratio stood to one teacher for each 44 student in primary and one teacher for each 88 students in secondary classes. The national average is currently 30 and 22.

Vacancy notified for the 2nd phase examination

The BPSC has been asked to appoint 1,19,832 teachers for different sections. About 50125 posts remained vacant after selection of teachers in the first phase. The government had identified about 1.70 lakh vacancy of teachers for the first phase. However, nearly 1.20 lakh were selected. Besides the 50125 vacancies, the BPSC has been told to select 31982 teachers for middle school (class 6-8) and 37724 for secondary school (class 9-10) in the second phase of teachers’ recruitment drive.

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