July coal production goes up by 14.11% to 68.75 million tonne

Cumulative coal production upto July comes to 292.12 MT for FY 2023-24, while dispatch touches 74.33 million tonne of coal

Coal Production
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New Delhi: The ministry of coal (MoC) has achieved a substantial surge in overall coal production during the month of July 23, reaching 68.75 million tonne (MT), surpassing the figures of 60.25 MT of the month July 22, representing an increase of 14.11%.

The production of Coal India Limited (CIL) has increased to 53.63 MT in the month of July 23 as compared to 47.29 MT in July 22 with the growth of 13.41%. The cumulative coal production (up to July 23) has seen quantum jump of 292.12 MT (provisional) in FY 23-24 as compared to 265.94 MT during the same period in FY 22-23 with a growth of 9.84%.

Also Read: NTPC doubles coal production from its captive coal mines

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Additionally, coal dispatch witnessed a significant boost in July ’23, reaching an impressive 74.33 MT, showcasing notable progress compared to the 67.46 MT recorded in July 22, with a growth rate of 10.19%. At the same time, captive/others Coal dispatch demonstratedoutstanding performance, reaching 11.48 MT in July ’23, compared to 9.74 MT in July 22, representing a growth of 17.83%. The cumulative coal dispatch (up to July 23) has seen significant jump of 314.30 MT(Provisional) in FY 23-24 as compared to 291.59 MT during the same period in FY 22-23 with a growth of 7.79%.

This highlights the efficiency of the coal supply chain in ensuring smooth distribution of coal across the country. MoC is committed to ensure consistent coal production and dispatch during monsoon season and has implemented a range of strategies to safeguard mining operations and enhance operational efficiency.

The coal sector has seen unprecedented upswing as coal production, dispatch, and stock position reaching remarkable heights. The relentless dedication of coal PSUs has been instrumental in driving extraordinary growth. The Ministry of coal remains committed to collaborated efforts, technological advancement and sustainable to ensure a reliable and resilient energy sector.

2 coal companies submit closing bids for Jharkhand & MP mines

The coal ministry on Tuesday commence forward e-auctioning for six mines after evaluation of the bids during 7th round of commercial mining and second attempt of 6th round auction on March 29. On the first day, two coal mines were put up for auction of which one mine was CMSP coal mine and the other one was MMDR coal mine. One coal mine is fully explored and the second one is partially explored. The total geological reserves for these two mines are 516.34 Million Tonnes (MT). Cumulative peak rated capacity (PRC) for these coal mines is 3 MTper annum (MTPA).

NLC India and Shri Bajrang Power and Ispat Limited have submitted the closing bids for mines located at North Dhadu (Western Part) of Jharkhand and Pathora West in Madhya Pradesh respectively.

Upon operationalization, these coal mines will generate annual revenue of ₹337.54 crores calculated at PRC of these coal mines (excluding partially explored coal mines). These mines will attract capital investment of ₹450 crores and will provide employment to 4,056 people.

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