Bihar’s Edu Dept resorts to WhatsApp way to fast-track revamp

Complaints pouring in on all five WhatsApp numbers will be personally monitored by additional chief secretary, education, S Siddharth and quick action will be taken to resolve issues

Bihar Education Department WhatsApp
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Patna: After facilitating appointment of deputy collectors as the district-level nodal officers to keep tab on resources and operations of schools, Bihar’s education department has released five WhatsApp numbers to let people lodge their grievances for immediate resolutions.

Messages sent on the designated WhatsApp numbers will be checked personally by additional chief secretary (ACS) of the education department S Siddharth and action will be taken promptly to resolve the issues flagged there in. The WhatsApp numbers have been made public to let common men send their complaints as part of the department’s initiative to revamp the system of teaching by Siddharth after he took over the charge of the department early this month.

“He (Siddharth) is working day and night and taking proactive and efficient decisions to bring about qualitative change in style of teaching and functioning of the government and government aided schools,” said a senior officer of the education department.

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Officials said that people can write their problems on these WhatsApp numbers and send them along with photos and videos. The ACS will find appropriate and prompt solutions to the complaints received on these WhatsApp numbers.

The WhatsApp numbers are 9229206201, 9229206202, 9229206203, 9229206204 and 9229206205. The ACS is using different numbers to receive different category complaints. Officials said that the number 9229206201 has been earmarked for receiving complain relating to school’s infrastructure like school building, fans, quality of construction work, lack of bench desks, lack of toilets, lack of drinking water, electricity problem, boundary wall.

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People can lodge their grievances about non-attendance of teachers in school on time, late arrival of teachers and headmasters, classes not maintaining routine, computer lab problems and sports equipment not being available in school, etc., on 9229206202. Nnumber 9229206203 has been allocated to receive problems related to mid-day meal scheme like shortage plates, absence of kitchen shed, gas cylinder and stove, absence of proper nutrients and cleanliness in school kitchen.

People can lodge their grievances related to colleges and universities on 9229206204, whereas 9229206205 is meant to accept complaints regarding anomalies in including bicycle, uniform, scholarship, books and copies.

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Under this system, people’s problems will be solved immediately. These WhatsApp mobile numbers will prove to be very useful for the people in the coming days. By sending messages on these WhatsApp numbers, you can get the poor condition of schools fixed and can also improve the education system of the school.

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